
Numeric Index Tab Dividers, 101-125 Tab Set


Bulk Discount Rates

Buy 10 - 19 and pay only $7.75 each
Buy 20 - 49 and pay only $7.50 each
Buy 50 or above and pay only $7.25 each


Organize documents, pleadings, medical records and exhibits in a binder. The 1-200 numeric index tabs begin with tabs numbered 101-125 and are available in 25-tab increments up to tab number 200.


  • 5-hole side-punched tabs fit letter-size Bindertek 3-Ring and 2-Ring Binders
  • Extra-strong Mylar®-reinforced tabs and page holes won't rip
  • Tabs are printed on both sides for easy reference
  • Made with durable 90 lb. card stock
  • Write your table of contents directly on the cover sheet or utilize the free Bindertek Custom Templates for Microsoft Word in the Templates and Instructions section above


  • Dimensions: 9" x 11"
  • 1 tab set per pack, 25 tabs per set